The vicious circle
Does your mind revolve around food all day? Do you see yourself in the mirror or do you stand on the scale and you are not comfortable with what you see? Well, you're not alone. Can you still remember the times when you didn't care about all of that? Have you ever asked yourself since when and where did these thoughts first come to you? I'm convinced it wasn't always like that. Then who created this ideal of beauty in our heads?
I open my Instagram and click on the search button - I wanted to look for something. I look at the screen- covered with super fit people staring at me with their six pack abs.I'm taking another look at it. And my mind freezes for a moment. And suddenly it hits me like lightning - I've been sabotaging myself and my subconscious for years! Every time I click through social media, all I see are "perfect" bodies. But actually these images with which one compares himself (usually unconsciously) does not exist in reality- most of them are pimped up. I wonder how is it possible that I've never noticed that I'm drowning myself in false beliefs on a daily basis.
The body image
I'm going back in my mind to the past. Since when did I "worry" about gaining a kilo or two? Since when have I looked at myself in the mirror with "false eyes"? I don't remember having an issue with my body image before I started doing Instagram.
The false self-image
A few weeks ago I had to find an old picture in my phone. I started searching in 2019. I scrolled and scrolled the screen and my eyes were getting bigger and bigger. I was amazed... here I thought I'm fat. Here too, here and here and here….and so on until the year 2022. I want to cry now. I saw pictures of me where I thought I was fat back then. But in reality? I was underweight! I open my mouth and ask myself out loud: Why didn't anyone tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me I was underweight? Or did I just not want to hear it? Where in my head did I get the idea that I'm not looking fine? What was the matter with me?
Die Illusion & Wirklichkeit
It's not about demonizing social networks for me, but about finding an appropriate way to deal with them. For this it is necessary to become aware of the gap between illusion and reality. There are many things in life that are more important than looks. It is important to find meaningful values and content in life that are free from superficiality. They serve as a resource and are able to strengthen self-confidence. It's never too late to reflect and question whether your thoughts about your self-image are really true. You can ask yourself – who am I? What makes me special, what do I like and what do I dislike? How important is my health to me? The problem is that the image we have of ourselves makes us what we think of ourselves. It's so easy to poison yourself with your own thoughts when your self-esteem and self-confidence is shrinking. And when THAT happens.....self-rejection increases. If you are mentally at the limit with such thoughts, a personal mindfulness plan is recommended. Mental coaching comes into its own here. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror, look into your eyes for at least 5 minutes. Check if what you think about yourself is really true. And don't forget to remind yourself what a beautiful person you are.
Our subconscious has great power. We are what we think. The images we create in our heads every day guide us and our thoughts. And it's horrible to think wrong about yourself, to feel uncomfortable in your own body.
And yes, it's okay to feel unhappy with yourself here and there, as long as you keep in mind that the pursuit of perfection, as others understand it, doesn't always have to equate to the path to it a happy life. You are beautiful exactly the way you are - not a gram more or less.
When you woke up this morning, did you look in the mirror and smile at yourself? No? Then do it every morning from now on! Because YOU are worth it!
The "fat" Diana
The pictures of me that you see here….. in every single picture I thought at the time that I'm fat. Today I have to laugh – and yes, cry too – for my stupidness.