
Herausforderungen, Ziele,

Motivation & Disziplin.

Ein Leben wünschen, planen, gestalten & realisieren.
Erfahre in meinem Vortrag am 25.November beim Traildog Running, wie du dich mental immer wieder neu einstellen kannst, wie du Motivation für kommende Ziele findest – und was die Königsdisziplin ist um deine Ziele zu erreichen!
ANMELDUNGEN BIS 24.11.2023 : hello@runningdiana.com
Eintritt: 20,-

Eckdaten zur Veranstaltung

Termin: Samstag, 25. November 2023
Zeit: 14:00 bis ca. 15:30 Uhr
Ort: Traildog Running, Breitenfurter Straße 378A, 1230 Wien


Der Kopf allein gewinnt nicht

Sichere dir jetzt einen der limitierten Plätzen!
Was ist denn wichtiger? Der Körper oder der Geist, das Training oder die Motivation?
Erfahre in meinem Vortrag am 25.Oktober in Injoy Wien, wie du dich mental immer wieder neu einstellen kannst, wie du Motivation für kommende Ziele findest – und wie wichtig trotz alledem das Training bleibt!
Und ja, es wird auch über das Spartathlon 2023 geredet!
See you there!
ANMELDUNGEN BIS 20.10.2023 : hello@runningdiana.com
Eintritt: 20,-

Eckdaten zur Veranstaltung

Termin: Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023
Zeit: 18:30 bis ca. 19:45 Uhr
Ort: Fitnessclub Injoy, Schnirchgasse 12,1030 Wien



Wer nicht groß denkt, kann nicht groß werden.

Es klingt so logisch und einfach und ist doch herausfordernd: Ohne Ziele kommen wir nicht ins Tun. Ohne Tun erleben wir keinen Erfolg.

Warum tun wir, was wir tun? Was treibt uns an? Was lenkt uns? Was hemmt uns?
Ohne Ziele kommen wir nicht ins Tun. Ohne Tun erleben wir keinen Erfolg.
Bei diesen Vortrag teile ich meinen Weg und die Transformation in meinem Leben mit euch, spreche über die Kraft der Vorstellung und jene mentale Stärke, die benötigt wird, um unserem Leben eine Richtungsänderung zu geben.
Eine Anmeldung erbete ich bis 15. Juni 2023 ausschließlich über kontakt@dianadzaviza.com

Eckdaten zur Veranstaltung

Termin: Montag, 19. Juni 2023
Zeit: 18:30 bis 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Fitnessclub Injoy, Schnirchgasse 12,1030 Wien


Wer nicht groß denkt, kann nicht groß werden.

Es klingt so logisch und einfach und ist doch herausfordernd: Ohne Ziele kommen wir nicht ins Tun. Ohne Tun erleben wir keinen Erfolg.

Ultraläuferin Diana Dzaviza teilt ihren Weg und die Transformation in ihrem Leben mit uns, spricht über die Kraft der Vorstellung und jene mentale Stärke, die benötigt wird, um unserem Leben eine Richtungsänderung zu geben. Und sie bietet Antworten an auf Fragen wie: Warum tun wir, was wir tun? Was treibt uns an? Was lenkt uns? Was hemmt uns?

Diana Dzaviza ist erfolgreiche Ultraläuferin, gewann die 100-km-WM und zwei Mal den Spartathlon. Und sie lehrt uns, zuerst einmal groß zu denken, um groß zu werden.

Eine Anmeldung erbeten wir bis 10. April 2023 ausschließlich über folgendes Link


Eckdaten zur Veranstaltung

Termin: Mittwoch, 12. April 2023
Zeit: 18:30 bis 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Campus WU, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Gebäude D5, EG, Hörsaal D5.0.001




…and what can we learn from it

Run 250 kilometers in one go in around 25 hours
- Is that possible?

And if so, how? What does it take to
get through the distance at all?

"Yes, it is possible.
And yes, it takes a total package to make it happen”

Customized Lectures

Every company and audience is different, which is why I offer lectures with tailor-made content.

Motivation, mental strength and health, women's power, what we can learn from top athletes, success factors and other topics - I'm happy to adapt the concept to your company.

A detailed discussion is held before each lecture so that I can tailor the contents of the lecture to your needs.

That's what my audience says after my presentations

On July 8, 6:00-8:00 p.m., the Institute for Corporate Governance at WU Vienna invited Diana Dzaviza to give a lecture on the WU campus.

What connects a business university with the experience of an ultra runner? We deal with incentives and motivation. How much can we learn from a woman who can run 250 kilometers straight in about 25 hours - is that possible? And if so, how? What does it take to get through the distance at all? The ULT Heustadlwasser Vienna runner Diana Dzaviza won the Spartathlon 2021: "Yes, it's possible. And yes, it takes a total package to make it happen”

This evening Diana takes us on a journey that connects the 246 km from Athens to Sparta with her life. It's fascinating how many parallels there are between an ultra run over many hours and the challenges and strokes of luck that life offers.

Spartathlon is an Ultramarathon with a length of 246km,which is happening in Greece since 1983 from Athen to Sparta and has to be covered within a time limit of 36 hours. Many challenges await the runners, such as scorching heat during the day and steep climbs at night.

With her lively description, Diana succeeds in conveying the special atmosphere of this run to us. The tension among the participants and the many helpers before the start. The liberating feeling of finally being able to start walking after all the preparation and doubts. The ups and downs of running, about fear, adrenaline and hallucinations. It goes along busy roads, but also steeply uphill and downhill over the Peloponnese alone in the dark. Impressions from outside, such as the followers and supervisors, are just as important as the many thoughts and reflections during the long effort. But what stays with the listener most in the descriptions of Diana is her irrepressible joy in running. Only this makes it possible to activate her strength – the lioness in her.

She convincingly shows how the Spartathlon has stuck in her mind and how this focus can unleash unexpected powers. This lecture is therefore less about the technical requirements of such an ultra run, such as building up the necessary endurance, targeted training or nutrition. For Diana, it is the power of the spirit that triumphs over the body, the power of passion and faith. It is a dialogue with your own soul. She uses the lioness as her leitmotif and incorporates it into her racing tactics: "Be the lioness, do the run for me, run it at my pace and never forget to enjoy it".

The strength of Diana's presentation is not only her vivid description of the Spartathlon itself, but also the description of her path, how she was able to become such a mentally strong athlete. She takes us with her from her childhood in a small Latvian village, from which she moved when she was 15 years old. At the age of 18 she left Latvia and after a few stations she settled in Austria as a single mother. She starts running to find her peace and discovers that running brings her special happiness. This positive attitude helps her to overcome some crises in life as well as in sports, where she can show impressive successes in a relatively short time. These include, for example, the Latvian record over 100km and the Latvian record in the 24-hour run.

After the exciting insights, the top athlete is still available for questions and a competition on this well-attended and very successful evening. We would like to thank her and all participants!

Some colleagues and I met Diana at a lecture at Zurich Insurance. An impressive, very likeable and authentic woman who uses her fate to encourage other people and inspire them to take responsibility for their own lives. Not everyone has to be a winner in a Spathalon race, but you can definitely achieve your personal, smaller goals with the attitude of a lioness. It starts with the first step. That's what Diana taught us - definitely listen to it and watch it.

I met Diana Dzaviza for the first time during her lecture about Spartathlon, which she gave just a few days before her next sporting adventure, that is, the second Spartathlon in Greece. I had read about Diana's success in the Austrian and Latvian press. Since she also gives the lectures on this topic to share her experiences, I found out about her sister and immediately decided to sign up.

To be honest, before the presentation I only had a vague idea of what Spartathlon actually means, but I have always been fascinated by people who make it outside of “normality” and Diana proved that with her presentation tonight. Diana's presentation was not just about the Sparthathlon, the preparation, technique and the 245 long distance she mastered, but much more.

In a very authentic way, Diana gave insights into her life, challenges, low points and her way of regaining both physical and mental strength through running. She showed us how important it is to combine physical and mental strengths during the Spartathlon, because only cooperation ensures success - not only in running, but everywhere in our lives. Diana showed us how to believe in ourselves and find the power of a lion that each of us has within.

After her speech I felt more than motivated to overcome the challenges of my life.

In her captivating lecture "The lioness in you is your greatest motivation: Life, deeds and thoughts of an ultra runner.... and what we can learn from it" at the University Campus in Vienna, Diana Dzaviza let us look deep into her heart as a runner.
Among other things, we were able to find out which motivational tricks she used to win one of the most important ultra races in the world, the Sparthatlon (2021).
For me it was a true inspiration, not only for my ultra runs but also partly for my private and professional everyday life.
Thank you for this wonderful lecture!

Review 2022

08.07.2022 6:00-8:00 p.m. WU Vienna, WU campus, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, building D5, level 1, lecture hall D5.1.001

22.08.2022 7:30-9:30 p.m. Rogner Bad Blumau (in the "Dunkelbunt" salon) Bad Blumau 100, 8283 Bad Blumau

09/15/2022 6:00-8:00 p.m. Keplerplatz 5/1 Room 108, 1100 Vienna