Ultrarunner & Trainer

I believe in myself. Do you believe in yourself?

I am a determined and successful ultra runner, sport is not only my job, but also my lifestyle.

When I run, I smile. It is a trademark of mine. I never stop smiling. Not even after 200km. Because life is a long -distance run. I can't breathe without smiling.

You are right with me if you finally want to change your life to better.


Our thoughts influence our words, our deeds, our character, they become our fate. So I am a woman who believes that our thoughts from today are our future. And I believe that many don't know how strong and capable we can be.

Through fitness and mental training, I found the way to my best I. Through the endurance sport that I have exercised in recent years, I have learned how to use the mental force for your own good and how strongly the thoughts can influence us. Now I want to pass on my knowledge of sport and movement, as well as mental training.

Your life is a product of YOUR thoughts. With your thoughts you create your reality

My Philosophy


Because from the stones that are put in your way, we can build a nice house together for the future: because you are worth it!


I am a person who wants to inspire and motivate and want to pass on my experience. I have the know-how and it makes me happy to share it with you!


Everything that is important to you: mental strength, running, training plans, healthy lifestyle for your well-being. Let's start!

Deine Gedanken von heute sind deine Zukunft

My Clients are saying...

Mit Diana zurück zu alter Stärke

Als Doppelakademiker und einer der wenigen Österreicher mit dreifacher Berufsqualifikation als Rechtsanwalt, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer bin ich es gewohnt, mit Disziplin und Eigenmotivation Höchstleistungen zu erreichen. Nach mehr als 35 Berufsjahren hat diese Motivation allerdings an Kraft verloren. Um diese Kraft neu zu entdecken, habe ich mich im Sommer 2022 für den Vienna City Marathon 2023 angemeldet, den ich schon 2015 und 2019 gelaufen bin. Nach einem vielversprechenden Trainingsbeginn im September durchkreuzte im Oktober COVID, das mich bis dahin verschont hatte, meine Pläne. Bis Mitte Jänner 2023 war an ein Training nicht mehr zu denken. Durch Zufall stieß ich dann auf Diana, die mich ab Ende Jänner 2023 coachte und mir über die App „Perfect Pace“wahrlich „perfekt“ maßgeschneiderte Trainingsprogramme schickte. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit verbesserte sich mein Fitnesslevel rasant – trotz einer weiteren, erkältungsbedingten Trainingspause von 10 Tagen zeigte meine Garmin-Uhr am 22.4.2023, also einen Tag vor dem VCM, ein Fitnessalter von 26 Jahren (bei einem tatsächlichen Alter von 59 Jahren und einem Fitnessalter von 49 Jahren im Jänner)! Den VCM 2023 konnte ich dank Diana erfolgreich in 4 h 40 min 45 sek absolvieren! Eine bessere Trainerin kann ich mir nicht vorstellen! Jetzt freue ich mich auf das Training für meinen ersten Triathlon über die Olympia-Distanz am 13.8.2023 in Tirol. Und im Beruf gibt mir die neu erlangte Fitness die alte Stärke zurück.


I met Diana a couple of days before the Spartathlon 2022. She was smiling, cheering and enjoying the friendly atmosphere within the other runners. She was so positive and happy, so friendly and supportive, so nice and gentle that somehow it looks that running a 100 miles was something that she did it for fun. I was impressed by the fact that someone can run strong and win the Spartathlon (twice and even more times in the future) and at the same enjoy and love the hard time during the race. Diana was a perfect example of a top runner that was running not only for the results, but for the fun and enjoyment. I feel so lucky that I had the chance to have such a great person as a running coach. What I really like is that the training program is absolutely personalized based on the current running form and have into consideration the goal for the upcoming race.

The training program incorporates all the major types of runs (tempo, uphills, long, easy, etc.), designed in a way to boost maximum performance.

What I really appreciate is the personal attitude, the human touch and the strong motivational and inspirational attitude.

The great running program is the first step towards better performance, but the dedication and enjoyment during the training process is what’s make you better in the long run. If you strive for great personal development as a happy and strong runner I totally recommend Diana as your running and mental coach.

Kundenstimme Blagoy

I now call Diana my friend, my trainer. In early 2022, I only knew her as the RV107 course record holder and crazy runner. It's very important to me that Diana listens to what's important to me in the training process and in the race, but at the same time she realizes that there are days when she needs to be tough with me. I find it very useful that Diana is a mental coach, because she helps me when I have a hole in my soul - on days when I have no motivation, don't want to walk or eat, she motivates me and puts everything back in order. She cares about me and my well-being. Above all, I think it's great that Diana believes in me and trusts me and my strengths. I can learn a lot from her

Kundenstimme Inga

In just a few weeks, I had the feeling that I had made more progress than in the years before.

The training is tailored to your own abilities and current goal, is always challenging and, in addition to various running units, also includes areas such as warming up, stretching, relaxation exercises, strength training and mental techniques.

According to the motto: learn from the best, I am very happy to be able to train with Diana, who is one of the world's top in her field.

Kundenstimme Karol

Mental coaching with Diana was a new experience for me. I was trying to get a grip on a persistent back pain. Through the coaching I learned to perceive the pain differently, to uncover possible mental co-causes, to "fight" it based on my thoughts and to give it a place in the background. Thank you for your openness!

Kundenstimme Agnes

Dear Diana, you convince with your authentic appearance and convey the technique of running in a very positive way, in which I could also feel the joy of running training. All in all, I can only recommend it to everyone who goes into training with you! Because you pass on your experience with ease. If it feels good to me, then it's good!
I thank you for your support and with your help I will reach my running goal.
Best Regards, Elisabeth

Kundenstimme Elisabeth

Diana has made me more disciplined, faster and more enduring than my previous training results. I am very happy to be running my first half marathon soon and that Diana will accompany me. I don't think I could have done it on my own and I thank her from the bottom of my heart

Kundenstimme Diana Dzaviza

How can one imagine training support with Diana?

At the beginning, a questionnaire is filled out so that Diana has a basis for the initial interview (video call). In the discussion, open questions are clarified, the objectives are determined and a basis of trust is created.

The training schedule is sent via an app on a weekly basis on the Saturday/Sunday before the start of the week. Diana describes there in detail what needs to be done and, above all, when. What I really like is that, even with short units, there are always stimuli in the form of increases, sprints, or the like. The result for me was a significant improvement in speed, performance and pulse values within a short period of time. I also really like the fact that no unit in a week is the same. Diana is very careful to vary. Another point I like very much: I can ask her at any time if I missed a training or have no time, she is very flexible in this regard and the plan is adapted.

I'm very excited every weekend to get my new training plan for the next week.

Peter KundenStimme



  • Functional-Health & Personal Trainer
  • Running Coach
  • Fitness Coach
  • Dipl. Mentaltrainerin
  • Sport Mental Coach
  • On going further education


  • Riga-Valmiera, Lettland 107km 1. Frau (3. Gesamt), Streckenrekord
  • 100km Lettische Meisterschaften 1. Frau National Rekord in 100km 07:44:55
  • 12 Stunden Lauf Bad Blumau 1.Platz-Gesamtsieg, National Rekord 143,06km, Streckenrekord


  • 12-hour-run Bad Blumau, Austria 2nd overall, 1st woman, Latvian national record – 126,4 km
  • World Championships 100km WMA Master W35 1st woman (Bernau bei Berlin,Germany)
  • Spartathlon 246,8 km 1st woman & 6th overall (2nd best all time woman track time)


  • 100 km Langenzersdorf, Austria 1st woman, 4th overall
  • 100 km Austria Race Across Burgenland 1st overall, track record
  • Spartathlon 246,8 km 1st woman and 7th overall


  • Riga-Valmiera, Latvia 107km 1st woman (5th Overall), Track record
  • 100km Latvian Championships 1st woman
  • 24-Hour-Run DUV Challenge, Bernau bei Berlin, Germany- overall winner, Latvian national record – 228,96 km


  • Wings for Life 41,78km 5th Place Ladies in Vienna, 22th Ladies Worldwide
  • Riga-Valmiera, Latvia 107km 1st woman (5th Overall), Track record
  • 100km Latvian Championships 1st woman
  • KAT100 Endurance Trail 91,5 km 5100+ , 1st place woman (10th overall)


  • Vienna Rundumadum 130km, VIenna – 1st woman (9th Overall)
  • Ironman Vichy, France-Team, women 1st Place
  • Mozart100 31k 1200+ 1st woman
  • Laugavegur, Iceland 52km 1600+ 3rd Place woman
  • Wörthersee Ultratrail 72km 2400+ 1st Place woman – Track record