Business mental coaching – Mental strength and health for your company

Healthy, motivated employees are the foundation for a strong company. But in a world full of stress and increasing demands, it is not always easy to maintain mental and physical balance. This is where my business mental training comes in: Using targeted strategies from competitive sports, I support your team in mastering challenges confidently, sharpening their focus and feeling stronger and more satisfied in their everyday work.

My goal: Less stress, more joy at work and sustainable performance – for teams that grow and stay healthy.

Trust from leading Companies

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Why does your company need business mental coaching?

In today’s working world, companies are faced with growing challenges:

  • Increasing sick leave: Lack of exercise, back and neck pain and burnout are among the most common causes of absence.
  • High employee turnover: Overwork and lack of motivation lead to declining loyalty and increased recruitment costs.
  • Declining productivity: Stress and emotional strain reduce the efficiency and innovative power of your teams.

Exercise and mental strength are key to tackling these challenges. Studies show that regular exercise not only keeps you physically healthy, but also strengthens your mental resilience and significantly reduces the risk of depression.

This is what business mental training brings to your company:

  • Fewer absences: Healthier employees through exercise and mental balance.
  • Stronger teams: Improved collaboration and communication through emotional intelligence.
  • Higher productivity: More focus, creativity and energy in everyday work.
  • Sustainable motivation: Employees who feel supported and valued stay longer and perform better.

Invest in the health and strength of your employees – it pays off!

This is what my customers say

Some colleagues and I met Diana at a lecture at Zurich Insurance. An impressive, very likeable and authentic woman who uses her fate to encourage other people and inspire them to take responsibility for their own lives. Not everyone has to be a winner in a Spathalon race, but you can definitely achieve your personal, smaller goals with the attitude of a lioness. It starts with the first step. That's what Diana taught us - definitely listen to it and watch it.

I met Diana Dzaviza for the first time during her lecture about Spartathlon, which she gave just a few days before her next sporting adventure, that is, the second Spartathlon in Greece. I had read about Diana's success in the Austrian and Latvian press. Since she also gives the lectures on this topic to share her experiences, I found out about her sister and immediately decided to sign up.

To be honest, before the presentation I only had a vague idea of what Spartathlon actually means, but I have always been fascinated by people who make it outside of “normality” and Diana proved that with her presentation tonight. Diana's presentation was not just about the Sparthathlon, the preparation, technique and the 245 long distance she mastered, but much more.

In a very authentic way, Diana gave insights into her life, challenges, low points and her way of regaining both physical and mental strength through running. She showed us how important it is to combine physical and mental strengths during the Spartathlon, because only cooperation ensures success - not only in running, but everywhere in our lives. Diana showed us how to believe in ourselves and find the power of a lion that each of us has within.

After her speech I felt more than motivated to overcome the challenges of my life.

In her captivating lecture "The lioness in you is your greatest motivation: Life, deeds and thoughts of an ultra runner.... and what we can learn from it" at the University Campus in Vienna, Diana Dzaviza let us look deep into her heart as a runner.
Among other things, we were able to find out which motivational tricks she used to win one of the most important ultra races in the world, the Sparthatlon (2021).
For me it was a true inspiration, not only for my ultra runs but also partly for my private and professional everyday life.
Thank you for this wonderful lecture!

Success through mental strength

Mental principles that work.
Promote resilience, motivation and emotional balance – the basis for productive teams.

Practical and implementable

Apply directly in your daily work routine.
Easy-to-understand techniques that your employees can integrate immediately.

Health and team spirit

More than just lectures.
Exercise, mental strength and collaboration strengthen your teams sustainably.

Why does a mentally strong team make the difference in a company?

Mental strength is the ability to remain clear and able to act in stressful situations. Resilient employees:

  • Find solutions faster and keep an overview even in hectic phases.
  • Finden schneller Lösungen und bewahren auch in hektischen Phasen den Überblick.
  • Increase team dynamics by actively contributing and motivating others.
  • Minimize the impact of stress, which increases job satisfaction in the long term.

Invest in the resilience of your teams – this will have a positive impact on the entire company culture.

My workshops and keynote speeches

Mental strength and emotional balance

Practical techniques to overcome emotional challenges, maintain focus and work with greater ease.

Movement and team fitness

Targeted exercise helps to relieve tension, prevent back pain and clear your head. With exercises that can be easily integrated into your everyday work routine.

Running Workshops for companies

Running brings people together: whether you're a beginner or an advanced runner, these workshops are about bringing movement and motivation to the team. The focus is on the ABCs of running, technical training or simply having fun running together.

Mental Hacks from Sports – Success Begins in the Mind

The mental principles from competitive sports are not just limited to competitions and top performances - they offer valuable strategies for everyday working life. Emotions, self-motivation and inner stability are essential skills that are trained in sports and can be ideally transferred to business challenges.

With “Mental Hacks”, teams learn how to handle stressful situations, increase their performance and stay focused even in difficult moments. Emotional intelligence plays a central role here: it helps to resolve conflicts better, improve communication within the team and create a positive working atmosphere.

In addition, competitive sport shows how important it is to set clear goals and to focus consistently on them. In everyday business life, this means setting priorities, minimizing distractions and working with focus - a decisive advantage in a hectic environment.

Self-motivation is another key to success. The ability to motivate yourself even in difficult times ensures that employees remain committed and productive in the long term. These mental tools not only increase individual performance, but also promote the productivity and creativity of the entire team.

Studies also show that a lack of exercise increases the risk of depression and that regular exercise at work can reduce stress and improve well-being. This combination of physical activity and mental strength creates a solid foundation for a motivated and balanced team.

With my mental hacks from sports I show teams how they can specifically develop these skills and integrate them into their everyday working lives – for sustainable success, more ease in everyday work and strong team dynamics.

The first step to healthier and more motivated teams

Give your employees the tools they need to stay healthy, happy and productive. Contact me for an individual concept that is tailored exactly to your company.