Mental Health

I will help you to give yourself love and develop a healthy, positive self-image. We often find it difficult to accept and appreciate ourselves, which can lead to a negative self-image. But through targeted measures, such as sport and mental training, you can learn to strengthen your body and mind and develop a better feeling for yourself.

Exercise is not only a great way to get physically fit, but also to increase self-confidence. If you exercise regularly, you will not only improve your physical fitness, but you will also experience a sense of satisfaction and success. These positive experiences will help you appreciate and love yourself more.

In addition, mental training plays a crucial role in this process. Through targeted mental training, you can learn to better control your thoughts and emotions. You will learn techniques that will help you feel stronger and more confident. By recognizing negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive affirmations, you can change your inner self-image for the long term.

Another important aspect is letting go of bad habits and blocks that prevent you from reaching your full potential. Often it is deeply rooted beliefs or behavioral patterns that hold us back. Through targeted exercises and strategies in mental training, you can identify and resolve these blocks. This creates space for new, positive habits that will help you lead a more fulfilling and happier life.

Be free, be willful, be you!

What will mental training with me bring for you?

Support and strengthening of body awareness

A strong body awareness helps you to better perceive the signals from your body. Through mindfulness training, yoga or meditation, you learn to reduce stress and find a better balance between body and mind. This improves your quality of life and helps you to respect your limits.

Improving your health / well-being

Healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep strengthen both your physical and mental health. They increase your energy, promote general well-being and reduce the risk of illness. This way you can maintain your physical and mental balance in the long term.

Reaching your goals in sport

With a clear plan and regular reviews, you can achieve your sporting goals. Whether you want to improve your endurance, lose weight or simply get fitter - motivation and structure are crucial to staying on track and celebrating progress. Mental training helps you to stay on track even in difficult moments.

Added value through effective time management & motivation for yourself

Good time management helps you to balance exercise and personal goals. By prioritizing, you create space for exercise, relaxation and your hobbies. This way, you stay motivated and achieve your goals more efficiently. Effective time management is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Finding mental strength in yourself

Mental strength helps you to overcome challenges and believe in yourself. I support you in strengthening your self-confidence, finding inner peace and overcoming blockages. Together we develop techniques that help you to clearly focus on your goals and increase your mental resilience.


Everything is moving - but unfortunately not everything is always moving in the right direction. By changing your movement behavior, you will be able to bring about lasting changes for the benefit of your body. Mental training will help you implement these changes in the long term.


Learn how to let go of the thoughts and worries of everyday life. Through targeted relaxation exercises you will find your inner peace. Together we will find out what works best for you to reduce stress and strengthen your mental health.

Mental Coaching

We strengthen and develop qualities such as attitude, balance, strength of nerves, motivation, willpower, inner peace, concentration, goal orientation, imagination and awareness. Mental coaching is a powerful approach to make lasting, positive changes to your life.

We are movement

We are movement. Our body and mind cannot help but move. It is not just about running or sport in general. It is also the mental strength that makes us happy.

The power of our thoughts is much stronger than we can imagine. Important components in our lives such as self-efficacy, mindfulness and self-love are essential to our existence. Every breath brings new thoughts - breathing is therefore part of our life energy!

Let go and breathe in your new phase of life with me!

I will help you to develop qualities such as attitude, balance and strong nerves. Motivation and willpower are also important building blocks for a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

We work on inner peace and concentration. This applies to your goals. We also strengthen creativity, imagination and awareness!

I've also had setbacks in my life. Sometimes I didn't know how to continue. But I never gave up. Because giving up is not a solution.

This is my credo: Each of us can be happy, even if the path to get there can sometimes be challenging. But if you believe in yourself, you will reach your goal. So let's first learn to believe in ourselves again!

I like to share my experiences with you. This applies to weight loss, competition goals, quitting smoking or self-discovery.

Trust me.

Many paths you're about to walk

I've gone too.

Make your first step now!

If you want to change your life, you can do it today. Whether you want to lose weight, exercise more or get fitter.

Make today your second birthday. Give yourself the chance to find your better self. You deserve it!

Don't say: I can't. I don't have time. I don't have the motivation. Don't make excuses. Because you don't deserve them.