


Would you like to increase your current level of physical performance in the areas of strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination?

I will help you:

  • to end your workouts with a smile on your face
  • to find time for you and your well-being
  • to save nerves and time when planning
  • to get fit with me on all levels

Wer seine schönen inneren Bilder klar vor Augen hat, der kann die nächsten Trainingseinheiten gar nicht erwarten!

Personal Training

By changing your movement behavior, you can reduce your body weight in long term and bring more movement into your life. I'll take care of your muscle & strength building!

Training Plan

I'm there for you, whether it's about running, building muscle and strength or cardio, together we'll work out a training plan tailored to you and your needs.

Running Analysis

We will look at your running style, analyze it and work to improve it. We make good progress with running ABCs and other useful exercises.

Weight loss

I will support you losing weight sustainably without stress and becoming healthier through sport. No yo-yo effect, no complicated diets, completely naturally!

Live your dream!

We all have dreams, big and small. My belief is that we should dream and think big and dare to believe in ourselves more! Believe in yourself - THINK FIT!

Because you are what you think!

The power of your thoughts is a legal doping.

Make your first step to healthier and happier life!

Make your first step now!

If you want to change your life - whether it is to loose weight, move more, increase your fitness level, train after targeted training plan, strengthen yourself mentally or build up strength, then why not to make this day your second birthday! Give yourself the chance to find your better self - because you know you deserve it! And don't say: I can't. I have no time. I have no motivation. Because you know: these are nothing more than excuses. Excuses that you don't deserve.

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